2024 Schedule - Musical Theatre & Popular Voice

Day 1 - Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024

9:20 AM
Musical Theatre Selections from 1943-1974 - Ballad - MT 1943-1974 Ballad - Junior Level: ages 13-14
S. Dass
"Shy" from Once Upon A Mattress (M. Rogers)
Musical Theatre Contemporary Selections from 1974-present - Ballad - MT Contemporary (1974-present) Ballad - Junior Level: ages 13-14
M. McNair
"Dear Daddy" from Welcome To My Life (B. Cronin)
P. McNeill
"Come To Your Senses" from Tick, Tickā€¦ Boom! (J. Larson)
S. Pilon
"Everlasting" from Tuck Everlasting (C. Miller)
K. Famiglietti
"I'm Not That Girl" from Wicked (S. Schwartz)
10:10 AM
Musical Theatre Contemporary Selections from 1974-present - Up-Tempo - MT Contemporary (1974-present) Up-Tempo - Junior Level: ages 13-14

Adjudication Plus

S. Ford
"Practically Perfect" from Mary Poppins (G. Stiles)
D. Hardie
"Stupid With Love" from Mean Girls (J. Richmond & N. Benjamin)
E. Naylor
"Here I Am" from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (D. Yazbek)
Musical Theatre Selections from 1943-1974 - Ballad - MT 1943-1974 Ballad - Senior Level: ages 17-18

Adjudication Plus

B. Chenard
"Is It Really Me?" from 110 in the Shade (H. Schmidt)
12:05 PM
Musical Theatre Contemporary Selections from 1974-present - Up-Tempo - MT Contemporary (1974-present) Up-Tempo - Junior Level: ages 13-14
D. Johnstone
"Killer Instinct" from Bring It On (T. Kitt)
Musical Theatre Selections from 1943-1974 - Up-Tempo - MT 1943-1974 Up-Tempo Junior Level: ages 13-14
R. Thorn
"In My Own Little Corner" from Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein)
Musical Theatre Contemporary Selections from 1974-present - Up-Tempo - MT Contemporary (1974-present) Up-Tempo - Junior Level: ages 13-14
K. Famiglietti
"Home" from Beetlejuice (E. Perfect)
Musical Theatre Additional Repertoire - Up-Tempo - MT Additional Repertoire Up-Tempo - Junior Level: ages 13-14
M. McNair
When I Sing in My Car (J. Contreras & L. Suggs)
12:45 PM
1:55 PM
Musical Theatre Selections from Animated Films & Movie Musicals - Up-Tempo - MT Animated Films & Movie Musicals Up-Tempo - Primary Level: ages 9-10

Adjudication Plus

J. Zyla
"When Will My Life Begin" from Tangled (A. Menken & G. Slater)
M. Olatunbosun
"Almost There" from The Princess and the Frog (R. Newman)
Musical Theatre Contemporary Selections from 1974-present - Up-Tempo - MT Contemporary (1974-present) Up-Tempo - Elementary Level: ages 11-12

Adjudication Plus

H. Reid
"My New Philosophy" from You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (A. Lippa)
K. Reitzel
"Middle of a Moment" from James and the Giant Peach (Pasek & Paul)
3:10 PM
Musical Theatre Contemporary Selections from 1974-present - Up-Tempo - MT Contemporary (1974-present) Up-Tempo - Junior Level: ages 13-14
M. McNair
"Beyond My Wildest Dreams" from The Little Mermaid (A. Menken)
Musical Theatre Additional Repertoire - Up-Tempo - MT Additional Repertoire Up-Tempo - Junior Level: ages 13-14
D. Johnstone
"Not For the Life of Me" from Thoroughly Modern Millie (J. Tesori)
Musical Theatre Contemporary Selections from 1974-present - Up-Tempo - MT Contemporary (1974-present) Up-Tempo - Junior Level: ages 13-14
L. Alkema
"Good Girl, Winnie Foster" from Tuck Everlasting (C. Miller)
P. McNeill
"Better" from Little Women (J. Howland & M. Dickstein)
S. Fallis
"Middle Of A Moment" from James and the Giant Peach (B. Pasek & J. Paul)
3:55 PM
Musical Theatre Student Duets - Ballad - MT Student Duets Ballad - Primary Level: ages 9-10

Adjudication Plus

A. Wiens & H. Shelley
"For a Moment" from Wonka (2023) (N. Hannon)
Musical Theatre Student Duets - Up-Tempo - MT Student Duets Up-Tempo - Elementary Level: ages 11-12

Adjudication Plus

K. Reitzel & M. Reitzel
"In the Big Blue World" from Finding Nemo: The Musical (R. & K. Lopez)
Musical Theatre Student Duets - Ballad - MT Student Duets Ballad - Junior Level: ages 13-14

Adjudication Plus

A. Kvezereli & A. Boukrine
"For Good" from Wicked (S. Schwartz)
5:05 PM
Musical Theatre Contemporary Selections from 1974-present - Ballad - MT Contemporary (1974-present) Ballad - Junior Level: ages 13-14
S. Fallis
"I'm Not That Girl" from Wicked (S. Schwartz)
L. Alkema
"Someone You'd Be Proud Of" from The In-Between (L. Tisdall)
Musical Theatre Selections from 1943-1974 - Ballad - MT 1943-1974 Ballad - Junior Level: ages 13-14
S. Dass
"As Long As He Needs Me" from Oliver (L. Bart)
Musical Theatre Contemporary Selections from 1974-present - Ballad - MT Contemporary (1974-present) Ballad - Junior Level: ages 13-14
B. Anderson
"Some Things Are Meant to Be" from Little Women (J. Howland)
D. Johnstone
"Home" from Beauty and the Beast (A. Menken & T. Rice)